AWS Activate - Business Support & AWS Activate - AWS Scout Program


We currently have two credits in our AWS account. The first credit, AWS Activate - Business Support for $1500, has an expiration date of 03/31/2024. The second credit, AWS Activate - AWS Scout Program for $4880, is set to expire on 03/31/2025.

As of now, our monthly expenses are being covered by the AWS Scout Program credit. However, we would like to switch to the first credit, which has an earlier expiration date. Could you please advise on how we can make this change?

If it is not possible to change the credit, could you please let us know which services can be utilized under the AWS Activate - Business Support credit and how we can use it?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We appreciate your support.

1 Answer

If there are multiple credits as described in the domain below, they are applied from the credit that expires first.

The soonest to expire amongst the credits
The credit with the least number of eligible services
The oldest of all credits

In your case, "AWS Activate - Business Support for $1500" will be applied first.

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answered a year ago
  • but my AWS account is using AWS Scout Program first, not the "AWS Activate - Business Support for $1500"

    03/31/2025 AWS Activate - AWS Scout Program $119.33 $4,880.67 See complete list of services

    03/31/2024 AWS Activate - Business Support $0.00 $1,500.00 AWS Support (Business)

  • You should check with AWS support. If you make an inquiry regarding fees, they should be able to answer you.

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