Amazon connect chat API session starts without the use of AWS credentials


Currently, our approach updating the AWS configuration and initiating the amazon connect session with nodejs as follows:

const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
  accessKeyId: "accessKeyId",
  secretAccessKey: "secretAccessKey",
  region: "region"});

new AWS.connect() and initiate a new AWS.connectParticipant()

Our objective is to avoid using the AWS SDK for initiating the customer side chat session to send and receive messages. Instead, we are interested in utilizing the REST API directly, using the InstanceId and ContactFlowId.

Is there any way to achieve this goal?

  • What is the benefit of not using the aws-sdk?

1 Answer

You can follow the practice of using temporary credentials using this link

So you can request these temporary token/keys instead of a putting a permanent accessKey and secretAccessKey

You will still need to use AWS SDK to generate them to establish ConnectParticipant to establish a chat.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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