Notification for snapshot creation at email everyday


{ "source": ["aws.ec2"], "detail-type": ["EBS Snapshot Notification"], "detail": { "event": ["createSnapshot"], "source": ["arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:233274203099:volume/vol-07da647d1709c19b4"] } } This event bridge rule creates an issue with multiple snapshots, but even after the target is on sns topic subscription, no emails were there in the subscribed email address. I need an email that my lifecycle rule for volume has created a snapshot for success. What can be the way how to get it.

1 Answer

In my environment I receive emails with the same event pattern as yours.
If the ARN of the specified EBS is different, the rule will not be executed.
Check "Invocations" and "TriggeredRules" in CloudWatch metrics.
If there are no metrics, the rule may not have been executed.
If the rule is running, check all your email inboxes.

For reference, this is the event pattern used in my environment.
Volume ID is masked.

  "source": ["aws.ec2"],
  "detail-type": ["EBS Snapshot Notification"],
  "detail": {
    "event": ["createSnapshot"],
    "source": ["arn:aws:ec2::ap-northeast-1:volume/vol-xxxxxxxxxxx"]
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answered a year ago

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