ECS Cluster is stuck in attachmentsStatus "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS" and couldn't create/update/delete capacity provider



I have an issue with an ECS cluster not changing from the UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state.

I disabled managedScaling on one of the capacity providers in my ECS cluster and then tried to re-enable it.

Since the managedScaling was disabled, while attempting to re-enable it, the "attachmentsStatus" is persisting in the UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state for several hours or more.

I have tried changing the status with the console and cli, but all I get is a message that ECS Cluster is in a busy state and to wait and try again, and the issue still exists. This makes it impossible to create/update/delete for all capacity providers as far as I can tell.

I saw a similar issue in re:post but didn't see a clear answer, so I'm writing.

thank you

asked 6 months ago174 views
1 Answer


The person asking the URL has opened a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.
If there is a problem with your AWS account, please try making an inquiry using "Account and billing".

By the way, have you read the troubleshooting document below?

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answered 6 months ago
  • thank you for your comment!

    I made a support under Account and billing but could not get a clear answer.

    And I have read troubleshooting document too. This error auto resolves after several minutes

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