AWS CDN signed url doesn't open after redirected from facebook, gmail message


When I copy paste Cloudfront signed url https://<Alternate Domain name - CDN>/hello.pdf?Expires=1651030980&Signature=****&Key-Pair-Id=**** in browser, file opens within expiry date. I shared that link through facebook message and gmail but the signed url doesn't work due to trialing added at end of url while redirecting from them.

While redirecting shared link through facebook message fbclid is added . https://<Alternate Domain name - CDN>/hello.pdf?Expires=1651030980&Signature=****&Key-Pair-Id=*****&fbclid=***** It opens only when I remove fbclid manually.

How to make signed url working automatically (open hello.pdf) redirected from gmail, facebook message?

asked 2 years ago316 views
1 Answer

Hello! To my understanding you are having trouble opening this Cloudfront signed URL from within Facebook messenger and gmail. However, when you paste the link into a browser, the signed URL works just fine. As this trailing seems to be added on the Facebook and Google side, I will like to suggest reaching out to file a bug with them to fix it. I have shared the links for reaching the support teams as needed. If this isn't successful, manual removal of the trail may be the best option.

answered a year ago

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