Request for continuous billing refunds and cancellation of payments and withdrawal of accounts


안녕하세요 제가 2년전에 웹서비스를 배우다가 그만뒀는데 매달 결제가 되고있었습니다. 그래서 8월에 인스턴트를 삭제했습니다 근데 9월에 또 결제됬는데 이거 환불 및 결제취소할수있는법 알수있을까요? 앞으로 정기결제되는걸 원치않습니다 Hello, I was learning web service 2 years ago and quit, but it was being paid every month. So I deleted instant in August. But it was paid again in September. Can I know how to get a refund and cancel the payment? I don't want regular payments in the future

1 Answer


I'm not entirely sure if your case fits this situation exactly.

You incurred charges in the month before you closed your account You receive a final bill for the usage incurred between the beginning of the month and the date that you closed your account. For example, if you closed your account on January 15, you will receive a bill at the beginning of February for usage incurred from January 1-15.

If that’s not the case, I recommend contacting AWS Support for assistance.


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answered 5 days ago
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reviewed 5 days ago
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reviewed 5 days ago

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