What is the average AFI load time for an F1 instance?


Can I have an estimated load time when loading an already generated AFI into a FPGA slot on an F1 instance? I see that the load time can be decreased through caching and data retention. I have read the article found below but there is no mention of an average load time. Is it seconds? Minutes? https://github.com/aws/aws-fpga/blob/master/hdk/docs/load_times.md>

asked a year ago346 views
1 Answer


Documentation you shared is a generic document discussing the techniques to reduce AFI load times irrespective of any instance type, based on the instance specification load time may differ that's why no exact values/units are mentioned.

If you implement those techniques on an specific F1 instance type, AFI load time should comparatively reduce post implementation of mentioned techniques. There are multiple considerations which you need to keep in mind while testing the load time (as mentioned in shared document), so exact values can only be found out by doing a performance benchmark using those techniques.

answered a year ago

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