Performing Salesforce DML using AWS Glue


I am using AWS Glue and using the Glue Console to create ETL jobs for data transfer between Salesforce and AWS S3 bucket. I am using third party (Progress DataDirect and CData) connectors to connect to Salesforce database. I have used both custom connectors using the JDBC drivers and the cloud connectors available on the AWS marketplace from these third party.

I can use these connectors (connection) to connect to Salesforce as a source datasource and read (SELECT) data. I can also use them as target datasource but can only INSERT data into Salesforce. I am not able to do the UPDATE, UPSERT or DELETE operations. According to the third party vendor, they support all DML operations and pointing at AWS Glue, on how to expose those.

Appreciate any help on how to perform the DML operations using AWS Glue.

Thanks, BL

asked a year ago395 views
1 Answer

As per the documentation for Progress DataDirect connector, it only supports 'SELECT' statement as a part of SQL support. Refer [1] for more information.

As per the documentation of CData JDBC driver [2], it does support UPDATE/UPSERT/DELETE operations. However, the same has not been confirmed in the documentation for 'CData AWS Glue Connector for Salesforce'. The 'CData AWS Glue Connector for Salesforce' is essentially the same as the JDBC Driver under the hood, however, it might have different implementation of the DML they support. In order to make the Glue Connector work with UPDATE/UPSERT/DELETE operations, the connector must have the correct implementation for the same.

Kindly confirm the same from the 'CData AWS Glue Connector for Salesforce' support using [3].

In case you're facing any specific errors while performing DML operations in your AWS Glue ETL, we require details that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using [4].






answered a year ago

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