change existing domain name to a new domain name


I have zero website builder address. I have a AWS website. I would like to change the domain name to a new/different domain name. In addition, I would like to change the existing email address associated with the existing website to an email address correspond to the new website.

What do I need to d oto make this happen?

asked 5 months ago213 views
1 Answer

Purchase New Domain: Buy the new domain from a registrar like GoDaddy or AWS Route 53.

Update DNS Records: Configure DNS settings to point the new domain to your AWS website's IP address or resources.

Update AWS Route 53: If using Route 53, update DNS records to reflect the new domain.

Update Website Configuration: Modify your website's settings to recognize the new domain name.

SSL/TLS Certificate: Obtain a new SSL/TLS certificate covering the new domain and update its configuration.

Email Configuration: Configure email forwarding or set up new mailboxes for the new email address.

Testing: Test your website thoroughly after making changes to ensure everything works as expected.

answered 5 months ago

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