EC2_Peering Connection


I was practicing peering connection in aws.. I have created one vpc and there's one default vpc in aws account and created one subnet for user created vpc..Now i have created ec2 for both the vpc one for default vpc and another for user created vpc....Now i have connected ec2 of default vpc and also created one peering connection and in Route table of both vpc i have given ip address of oppsoite vpc and tried to ping user vpc ec2 private ip geeting connection timedout error...Also, further am not able to connect to any ec2 instance...what might be issue any issues or security changed in account level?? Error: Failed to connect to your instance EC2 Instance Connect is unable to connect to your instance. Ensure your instance network settings are configured correctly for EC2 Instance Connect. For more information, see Set up EC2 Instance Connect at

1 Answer

Verify that the route table is configured correctly for both VPCs.
Also, make sure that the security group configured on the EC2 allows communication from the connection source.
As per the following document, VPCs that are VPC peering can refer to each other's security groups.

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answered a year ago
  • To add check NACLs allow traffic between the 2 subnets also

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