Host website on AWS using existing domain name registered at


I have an existing domain name registered at

I would like to experiment with hosting a website on AWS using this domain name.

Typically when changing hosts I would change the DNS settings at to use new host DNS. I'm not sure how to accomplish that here. I have skimmed tutorial for creating a static website but that has domain registered in Route 53....

I see I can create a Hosted Zone in Route 53, but I'm not clear if I use the dns entries that are generated there and populate them on or....

Any input or links on how to have AWS hosted website use my existing domain name on would be appreciated.

asked 2 years ago509 views
1 Answer

I'm going to assume that your domain is hosted by rather than Route 53.

For the most part, who hosts the domain (that is, who is responsible for the servers that respond to the DNS queries) isn't particularly important and doesn't have to be related to where your website is being hosted. So if your DNS is currently hosted at you can use that without using Route 53.

You don't say how you're hosting your website in AWS but in general, it's going to be as easy as creating an A record in your DNS and pointing it at the IP address of the EC2 instance that is hosting your website; or creating a CNAME record and pointing that to the name of the load balancer that you're using. The instructions for Route 53 will be much the same.

The edge case here is if you want to use the "apex record" in your domain. Say you own - it's straightforward to create a record for and have that point to an EC2 instance or load balancer as above. But if you want to use (the domain itself) as a record then that's a little tricky and is generally easier if your domain is hosted in Route 53.

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answered 2 years ago

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