Adding FAQ URL from Kendra to Lex Response


When you upload FAQ to Kendra, there are three values: Question, Answer, and URL. However, the documentation on Lex Responses only shows how to return the Question and the Answer:


I found a FAQ question for you: ((x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-question_answer-question-1)) and the answer is ((x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-question_answer-answer-1)).

How do I access the URL associated with question-1 and answer-1?

A similar questions was asked at the link below - but incorrectly answered.

asked 3 years ago857 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Thank you for reaching out! Kendra's QueryResultItem does not return the DocumentURI field if the result type is QUESTION_ANSWER, hence Lex is unable to surface this value.

When the Kendra query results are of the other two types, Kendra does return the DocumentURI, and Lex provides the capability to access the URI of the DOCUMENT type results via the request attribute "x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-document-link-<N>".

I hope this helps!

answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • Hi, I just want to get an answer regarding Kendra & Lex. We have a Lex which is connected with Kendra, When Lex didn't found any answer it search in Kendra and it gives result, In search result We are getting Source Link and that link is contaning S3 link with a token, Is there any way where we can replace that s3 link with a cloudfront link or a sub domain linked with cloudfront?

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