Website down & received email from lightsail saying degradation


Hi, my website ( is down. And we got the following email from lightsail...

We have detected a degradation of the underlying hardware hosting your instance: (us-east-1) in your AWS Account with ID: 722687524582. Due to this degradation, we will have to perform necessary maintenance to the underlying hardware. Your instance may already be unreachable. Maintenance activity will result in your Lightsail instance stopping after Wed, 18 Jan 2023 20:00:00 GMT. After your instance is stopped, you can restart it at any time.

what does this mean? How do i fix it immediately to get my website back up and running?

1 Answer


If you receive a hardware degraded notice, you can manually stop and start the instance. The stop removes the instance from the faulty hardware. Starting the instance launches it on healthy hardware.

Note: A stop and start isn't equivalent to a reboot. A full stop/start is required to migrate the instance to healthy hardware.

More info about this notice can be found here:

and how top stop/start ligthsail instances:

Hugo V
answered 2 years ago

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