Confused on using AWS custom domain email address & 3rd party transactional email service


Hi! I have already bought a domain address and using route 53 to point it to my website.

Now, my website needs to send transactional emails via API. We are using a transactional email service called Bravo. So, it asks for a custom email address for my domain that it will use to send the mass emails.

How do I go about creating a custom domain email address? AWS workmail creates a complete suite of email but for employees within organisation and Amazon SES is mass mailing service.

Can someone help me?

1 Answer

Hi jnayan1194,

I think Amazon SES is actually the way to go if you need to only send emails and in mass.

Basically you create and verify a verified identity, f.e. an email-address in your usecase:

Then you can integrate it in your webserver/application by configuring smtp credentials:

Sincerely Heiko

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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