Can a bucket be versioned just the same as of the object?


As the case of the object versioning, can a bucket be also versioned?

asked 5 months ago504 views
4 Answers

Yes, in AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service), you can enable versioning not only for individual objects but also for the entire bucket. Enabling versioning at the bucket level allows you to maintain multiple versions of every object stored within that bucket.

When versioning is enabled for a bucket:

Every new version of an object uploaded to the bucket is stored separately, allowing you to retain and access previous versions of the same object. Deleting an object doesn't actually remove it from the bucket; instead, it adds a delete marker, indicating that the object has been deleted but still preserving its previous versions.

You can manage object versions using various AWS SDKs, command-line tools, or the AWS Management Console.

answered 5 months ago


No, buckets themselves cannot be versioned in the same way that objects within a bucket can.

Object versioning is a feature It allows you to keep track of all the different versions of a file that have been uploaded to the bucket. This can be helpful for recovering from accidental deletions or overwrites.

Buckets, on the other hand, don't inherently have versions. They are simply containers for objects.

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answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago

Yes, in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you can enable versioning for a bucket. When versioning is enabled for a bucket, Amazon S3 stores all versions of an object, including all writes and even deletes. This allows you to retrieve previous versions of objects if needed.

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answered 5 months ago

As you know, versioning feature can be enabled from bucket configuration, and after then objects which are inside of the bucket will be versioned.

But however, there is no feature to make version for bucket itself.

If you are planning to make backup for the bucket, you can consider replicate object to another bucket. Please kindly refer below document for the details. [+]

answered 5 months ago

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