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When trying to use the browser based SSH that Lightsail provides, I now receive the UPSTREAM_NOT_FOUND [519] error. I have tried everything suggested on this page without any luck. Enter image description here

asked 10 months ago227 views
2 Answers


Create a snapshot from your Lightsail root volume and create a volume from that snapshot.
I think you need to mount that volume on a healthy Lightsail and check the system logs etc. stored on the volume to troubleshoot.
If you determine that it cannot be restored after troubleshooting, you will need to take measures such as extracting the necessary data from that volume and recreating it using another Lightsail.

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answered 10 months ago

Thank you for your response. I should have mentioned that my instance is a Wordpress instance, so I am not sure that your instructions apply to me or not? Is this different than simply clicking the "Create snapshot" button? Thank you very much.

answered 10 months ago

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