Private instance is not connecting via bastion instance after adding into target group


Hi Team,

I have created two instances, one private and one public. They are actually working with proper VPC configuration.

Once i started to host my-app from a private instance via an application load balancer, So I added a private instance to the target group, and then when I connect a private instance via bastion, it's not connecting.

  • Can you add more detail? What is the error message?

asked a year ago203 views
1 Answer

Hi - I would start by checking basic security groups etc. from bastion to private instance and I believe they are in same VPC. Also ensure correct keys are used. You can also share the error message you are getting to see more.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi Nitin - --> The security group is properly configured and also ssh port enabled -->The VPC remains same for both instance in same region -->SSH key is correct -->How do I get error message ? and I just getting time-out issue

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