Unable to delete RDS Instance Due to Delete Protection + Storage Full + Needs Upgrade


We have a MariaDB RDS instance that is in the status of "storage-full" but also needs an upgrade. When I try to modify the storage to increase it, the upgrade is also attempted, which fails since the storage is full. We already created a new instance from a snapshot and want to delete this instance. We have Delete Protection enabled, but are unable to disable it because modifying the instance attempts the upgrade again, which fails.

Any idea how to delete this database?

2 Answers

You can disable deletion protection on an RDS instance which is stopped..

Try stopping the RDS instance, then modify deletion protection. This will not force the upgrade

Alternatively try and disable deletion protection but do NOT apply immediately

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answered 2 days ago

If your DB instance has deletion protection turned on, you can turn it off by modifying your instance settings. Choose Modify in the database details page or call the modify-db-instance command.

you can refer below link for more details


answered 2 days ago

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