REST API private gateway test failing with configuration error and status 500


I have a set of REST end point running on a EC2 instance (app-server). I am trying to access a REST end point from another EC2 instance(web-server) through an API gateway. These are my configuration/set of steps I have done

  • Both app-server and web-server are in private VPC
  • I have created a VPC end point to the private APC
  • I have configured a NLB listening on port 80 and target group as app-server. Health check in the target group is fine. Registered target in the target group is private IP of app-server and port of an application hosting the REST end points.
  • I ran this command from my web-server and got the expected response with status code 200 curl -i -v <nlb_dns>:80/testResource
  • I have created VPC link for REST-APIs and pointed to above NLB
  • I setup a REST API gateway with private API end point type.I created a resource for "testResource" and created a method GET pointing to VPC link. In the integration request setting of GET method, end point is <nlb_dns>:80.
  • When I deploy and run the test from AWS console, I am getting this response Wed Dec 20 08:05:19 UTC 2023 : Sending request to http://<nlb_dns>:80 Wed Dec 20 08:05:24 UTC 2023 : Execution failed due to configuration error: There was an internal error while executing your request Wed Dec 20 08:05:24 UTC 2023 : Method completed with status: 500
  • I have verified all the security group configurations. But no clue so far.
1 Answer

Your primary goal is to identify what component is throwing that error.

My first advice would be to check different logs for

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answered a year ago
  • Thanks Antonio for your suggestions

    • API gateway logs I am able to see the metrics in dashboard e.g API hit count but nothing in the cloud watch log group. (log group got created but no log streams)
    • NLB logs Nothing inside AWSLogs folder in the s3 bucket

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