Build a Cloud Sync App like DropBox/OneDrive for Windows to Sync S3 Data


Hi, I have been using this (Build a Cloud Sync Engine) documentation to build a Cloud Sync Engine, Is there any possibility to Sync the Data from the AWS as like OneDrive did,

We are already have users data in S3 bucket, I'm planning to sync them with this, Like the Folders and Files that are in the user's account, I'm planning to display them in the cloud sync folder like this,

Enter image description here

Kindly suggest me a way to integrate the AWS with the cloud sync engine Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks for your time.

1 Answer

The closest solution I can suggest for your use case is using AWS Storage gateway of S3 file type, where you can deploy storage gateway appliance either on AWS or on your on-prem (recommended closer to user system) and on that you can create SMB or NFS file share which will be mapped to backend S3 bucket and that file share can be mounted on your windows system as network file share. Once the file share is mapped to local drive, you can browse the data or write the data and the same will be synced to backend S3 bucket. If you have any other applications or users who consume this directly in S3 bucket, they can read the data directly from S3 bucket as long as data is not getting modified directly in S3 bucket. Also, you can directly upload the data in S3 bucket and the same data can be available or accessible via SMB file on storage gateway after you run refresh cache operation on that file share.

I hope this answer helps you.


answered 2 years ago

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