Functions to upgrade Aurora MySQL engine version not available in console


I want to upgrade my Aurora cluster from v2.08.03 (current version) to v2.11.1. According to the instructions here ( ) using the console I should "change the Aurora MySQL engine version in the DB engine version box". BUT in the DB engine version box I find only one option: Aurora MySQL (compatible with MySQL Modify Aurora DB cluster

In addition, in the Maintenance section I don't find the option "Enable auto minor version upgrade setting".

1 Answer

Here are a few helpful hints Automatic minor version upgrade doesn't apply to the following kinds of Aurora MySQL clusters: Multi-master clusters. Clusters that are part of an Aurora global database. Clusters that have cross-Region replicas. If any of the DB instances in a cluster don't have the auto minor version upgrade setting turned on, Aurora doesn't automatically upgrade any of the instances in that cluster. Make sure to keep that setting consistent for all the DB instances in the cluster.

In addition to the above, Aurora's Version Policy documentation regarding AMVU, says "We typically schedule automatic upgrades twice a year for DB clusters that have the Auto minor version upgrade setting set to Yes."

aws rds describe-db-instances
--query '*[].{DBClusterIdentifier:DBClusterIdentifier,DBInstanceIdentifier:DBInstanceIdentifier,AutoMinorVersionUpgrade:AutoMinorVersionUpgrade}'

in addition at you can find the CLI commands

answered 2 years ago

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