Uninitialized cloudHSM cluster cost


When does AWS start charging the cloudHSM resource? Is it when we create a cloudHSM cluster? or when we initialize HSM inside the cluster? I want to make sure if it is already charge some money when we create a cluster.

Thank you

asked 9 months ago320 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


A question of the CloudHSM FAQ answers your point: see https://aws.amazon.com/cloudhsm/pricing/

A cluster with no HSMs in it is not billed, nor are you billed for our automatic storage of encrypted backups.

in full:

Q: How will I be charged and billed for my use of the AWS CloudHSM service?

You will be charged an hourly fee for each hour (or partial hour) that an HSM is provisioned 
to a CloudHSM Cluster. A cluster with no HSMs in it is not billed, nor are you billed for our 
automatic storage of encrypted backups. For more information, please visit the CloudHSM 
pricing page. Note that network data transfers to and from your HSMs are charged separately. 
For more information please review data transfer pricing for EC2.



profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
  • Glad that the uninitialized cluster will not charge me some money, since the initializing HSM process might took some time since we need to prepare for the EC2 and do several steps until the HSM is active.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

  • Happy that CloudHSM matches your expectation on billing aspects! Thanks for having accepted my answer.

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