AWS Lex Sentiment Analysis


I had enabled sentiment analysis for my lex bots, and when I used to watch cloudwatch logs, I used to find sentiment analysis results for each utterance, but now I am not able to receive any sentiment analysis results for the lex bots in cloudwatch logs. I am using a free-tier plan of AWS. Is it something to do with that cuz Lex internally uses Comprehend and what if there is a limit or something?

Please help me out, it is urgent

3 Answers

Amazon Lex uses Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis via an Service-Linked Role created during bot setup. Comprehend offers 50K units (5M characters) per API monthly in its free tier. Your error likely stems from exceeding this monthly limit.

Comprehend Pricing : Lex SLR permissions :

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Ok, let’s start with the basics. You have sentiment enabled for the alias, you’re using that alias, your bot is sending logs to cloudwatch, right?


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answered a month ago
  • Hello David,

    I forgot to update here---- the issue has been resolved. The problem was that each time I made changes to the Lex bot configuration, I needed to re-associate the alias with the correct version. It was essentially an issue with proper aliasing and versioning.


Looks like comprehend is not the problem, when I check the using of comprehend it shows as follows: none

If the monthly limit is not exceeded what could be the issue?

answered a month ago

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