AWS Opensearch multiple instances reservation


If I have two clusters, each with 3 instances, and I make a reservation for 3 instances, which cluster would the reservation apply to? If I delete one of the clusters in the future, would the reservation automatically apply to the remaining cluster?

asked a month ago189 views
1 Answer


which cluster would the reservation apply to?

This is just my guess, but I think it will be randomly assigned between clusters.
I recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing" to determine the applicable order.
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

If I delete one of the clusters in the future, would the reservation automatically apply to the remaining cluster?

Yes, I believe that when you delete the cluster, it will be assigned to Opensearch, which is the same instance type as the Reserved Instance.

RIs are not flexible; they only apply to the exact instance type that you reserve. For example, a reservation for eight instances does not apply to sixteen instances or four instances. For full details, see Amazon OpenSearch Service pricing and FAQ.

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answered a month ago

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