CloudWatch Evidently: Use Case for Associated Alarms


A CloudWatch Evidently Launch can be associated with an alarm, but I can't seem to find any follow-up actions that I can trigger based on that alarm, e.g. stopping the launch or modifying the traffic.

Did I miss something or what's the actual use-case here?

Evidently Launch Alarm

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Tobias,

Associating a CloudWatch alarm with Evidently is optional [1]. If you create at least one metric for the launch, you can associate an existing CloudWatch alarm with this launch. To do so, choose Associate CloudWatch alarms.

About the CloudWatch alarm actions, these actions [2] are same as you configure during alarm creation. The use case will be to take any actions from below:

  • notification to SNS topic
  • Lambda action
  • Auto scaling action
  • EC2 action
  • Ticket action

If your use case is to start/stop the launch then you can create a lambda function using CloudWatch Evidently stop_launch or start_launch boto3 [3] and call that in the alarm Lambda action.

[1]. [2]. [3].

Hope this helps

answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • Thank you!

    So there's no Evidently-"built-in" action that can be configured in the Evidently UI? What's the benefit of connecting the launch with the alarm if the alarm actions have to be configured independently of the feature launch?

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