Neptune not supporting duration() provided by openCypher


Hi. My usecase requires using the duration() function provided by openCypher which returns the duration between 2 dates/datetime. I am running these openCypher queries in neptune db and its throwing the following error: { "code": "UnsupportedOperationException", "detailedMessage": "Date and Time related functions are not supported in this release.", "requestId": "e2affbd3-00b0-47d7-9310-11a1be5313e3" } Now this error is relating to the duration function I am using in my query. I am using the latest version of neptune and also checked the version of openCypher it supports(Version 9) which is also the latest. Now my doubt is if all the versions are latest, why isn't neptune supporting these date and time functions to be used? Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

Neptune's openCypher implementation is our newest supported query language, went GA in April 2022, and currently supports a limited set of date/time functions for openCypher as described here. Based on feedback from customers, we will be working backwards to prioritize adding support for new features.

answered 2 years ago

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