When connecting AWS Quicksight to RDS Aurora DB connection timeout.


When trying to connect to RDS database connection times out. Followed this guideline Manually enabling access to an Amazon RDS instance in a VPC .

  • Both quicksight and rds are in same zone and same vpc
  • Security groups allow all inbound and outbound requests

Any additional configurations required?

asked 13 days ago33 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Is it possible that the problem is not caused by the security group but by the Aurora database engine as in the answer at the URL below?
If the security group allows all communication, it is possible that the configuration parameters on the Aurora side and the JDBC driver used by QuickSight are not compatible, causing the connection to fail.

If you are using PostgreSQL 14 or later, the following answers may be helpful.

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answered 13 days ago
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reviewed 12 days ago
  • Hi, But I was able to connect to a RDS db which is publicly available. So, I don't think it's an issue with JDBC drivers.

  • Security groups allow all inbound and outbound requests

    If the settings are as you explained, all communications from within the same VPC should be able to connect, so you should be able to connect from QuickSight as well, but maybe you've set the wrong security group, etc.? By the way, is RDS public access still enabled? There may be no problem since QuickSight and RDS are connected in the same VPC, but if public access is enabled, please try disabling it once.

  • This was the exact issue we had. After disabling public access in the RDS it started to working. Thanks.

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