Can I have an auto scaling group with just a warm pool ?


I have an existing environment with a number of ec2 instances that are up and running 24/7. I am seeing additional transaction volumes which are starting to strain the existing environment at times. The transaction volumes are not constant but scattered at different days and times. I was looking to see if I could create a scaling group with just warm pools. I am looking at warm pools because of the pre-configured ec2 instances. Is it possible to have an autoscaling group with just a warm pool ? Can I have these spin up when the existing environment hits some threshold ?

asked 2 years ago650 views
1 Answer

A warm pool gives you the ability to decrease latency for your applications that have exceptionally long boot times, for example, because instances need to write massive amounts of data to disk. With warm pools, you no longer have to over-provision your Auto Scaling groups to manage latency in order to improve application performance. For more information, see the following blog post Scaling your applications faster with EC2 Auto Scaling Warm Pools.

Please note : Creating a warm pool when it's not required can lead to unnecessary costs. If your first boot time does not cause noticeable latency issues for your application, there probably isn't a need for you to use a warm pool.

Reference :

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answered 2 years ago

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