need help in being able to send emails it has been a week now


support does not seem to understand that I no longer have access to my old account and I have never had any issues with amazon simple email service. I have answered all of the questions for production access. Not sending transactional emails. It is to a subscribed list. That rarely has an unsubscribe from it and is clean. I am using a new account since I don't have access to old one and they keep talking about the old account and reviewing. Reviewing what. this is ridiculous. I am losing money because of this. Sending emails through email octopus. They have their own rules and unsubscribe rules etc there. I am not sure why amazon ses will not just make this easier for me. I would have never signed back up with email octopus if I knew this was going to be such a headache to get production access again with amazon ses. Someone please help me. Customer support just seems to want to make things as difficult as possible to block me from sending my emails.

asked a month ago95 views
1 Answer

This issue will have to be handled with AWS Support. No one in the community forum can enable this for you.

I am sorry that this is not the answer you are looking for, but please do re-engage with support.

I am using a new account since I don't have access to old

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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