Connection issues with servers in private and public hosting using the same domain name


I have a question about hosting addresses like AWS route 53 private, public.

I am using as my public hosting.

I want to use a specific domain internally using vpn, so I added the same domain as private hosting.

I want to be accessed only from inside.

So I created two hosting domains.(one public, other private. Both have the same domain name.)

The problem is that one domain that was in the public cannot connect to the server. is not connected, but and are connected well.

The problem is that only certain domains cannot be accessed. (Private domains can be accessed without any problems.)

In case, you set up private and public hosting on the same domain like this,

I wonder if it is possible to solve the problem of not being able to connect to a specific domain as above if I set a setting that I do not know.

asked 2 years ago341 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Please refer to this AWS Premium Support article on how to use the same domain name for public and private access -

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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