what datatype can be stored in systems manager param store?


I have some configuration file , format wise , it can be a python dictionary or a json object. can I store dictionary or a json object directly in the param store ?

asked 7 months ago713 views
2 Answers


It is possible to register JSON as below.
The data type is registered as "String", so when referencing it from the AWS SDK etc., processing such as parsing the string is required.

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answered 7 months ago

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store can store data as:

  • String: Plain text, including serialized JSON or XML.
  • StringList: A comma-separated list of plain text values.
  • SecureString: Encrypted text, suitable for sensitive data, encrypted with AWS KMS.

All types essentially store data as strings, meaning complex data structures must be serialized into a string format before storage and deserialized upon retrieval.


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answered 7 months ago

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