SES from Azure


Hi, I work for a large organisation. My role is within the Azure as a Site Reliability Engineer. One of our engineering teams wants to send emails from Azure. Azure does not have a native tool. So we are going to be looking at third party tools.
Can AWS SES be used? Is this something that is commonly used by users (Azure & AWS SES)?
If so, what initial important information is required?
By the way we use all 3: AWS, Azure and GCP. Though my role is within Azure and I do not think that my colleagues would be using AWS SES as AWS is not currently being used widely within the organisation.

asked 3 years ago929 views
2 Answers


If you simply use SMTP, and you call the AWS SmTP servers with the verified AWS email, you can send emails from anywhere, including Azure, simply via SMTP (but only limited to sending from the verified emails)

Set up DKIM verification for the entire domain/subdomain on Azure to have better flexibility

If you are using any .net or other frameworks, simply integrate them with SES

Hope this helps

answered 3 years ago

Thank you for answering, we will put forward SES as an option for the project.

answered 3 years ago

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