AWS Technical Essentials, where is the source code?


In the beginning of the course AWS Technical Essentials: They say "you will have access to the source code, if you want to explore it further" And then there is zero code and no trace of any source code for the rest of the course.

Were can i find the code?

asked 14 days ago20 views
1 Answer

It appears there may be some confusion regarding access to source code in the AWS Technical Essentials course. Based on recent information, the course structure and content delivery have changed over time.

For users accessing the course through the free tier of AWS Skill Builder without a subscription, the course now primarily consists of demonstration videos rather than hands-on labs or direct access to source code. This change was likely made to make the course more accessible to a wider audience.

If you're looking for the actual source code or hands-on experience with building the applications mentioned in the course (like the Employee Directory application), you have a few options:

  1. Consider getting an AWS Skill Builder subscription, which may provide more comprehensive access to course materials, including potential source code and hands-on labs.

  2. You could recreate the applications yourself by carefully following the demonstration videos and using your own AWS account. This would involve setting up the necessary AWS services and writing the code based on what you see in the demonstrations.

  3. Explore other AWS learning resources that offer more hands-on experiences, such as AWS workshops (available at or AWS Cloud Quest, which provides gamified hands-on learning.

It's worth noting that the statement about having access to the source code may be outdated or may apply to a different version of the course that's available with a paid subscription. If you're particularly interested in accessing the source code, you might want to contact AWS Support or check the course forums for more specific information about its availability.
AWS Technical Essentials labs | AWS re:Post

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answered 14 days ago
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reviewed 14 days ago
  • Thanks. So you can't trust what is said in the course material, not even the things that is said about the course material itself? Why would anyone ever want to pay for any version of such a course?

    Guess that tracks, considering the overall quality of the whole skillbuilder site.

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