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Error: AWS Compute Optimizer finding


I am getting an error while trying to access my instance using rdp -

"user is not authorized to perform: compute-optimizer:GetEnrollmentStatus on resource: * because no identity-based policy allows the compute-optimizer:GetEnrollmentStatus action"

asked a year ago1.6K views
1 Answer


It seems that the IAM user you are using does not allow the action "compute-optimizer:GetEnrollmentStatus".
Please check the IAM policy set for the IAM user and check if "compute-optimizer:GetEnrollmentStatus" is allowed.

Try setting "AdministratorAccess" in the managed policy for the IAM user.

If your AWS account is managed by AWS Organizations, please make sure that "compute-optimizer:GetEnrollmentStatus" is not denied in SCP as well.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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