AWS Connect Start Outbound Call Keeps Calling Customer even when call is declined



I use StartOutboundVoiceContact to initiate a call to a customer A. The call is connected to a flow that utilizes AWS Lex. All is fine and working as expected. I also managed to get the transcript and recordings by integrating Kinesis Video Streams.

My issue is that if customer A declines/rejects the call, AWS Connect keeps calling again and again as long as the timeout of 60 seconds is not reached. This behavior is causing unnecessary calls and impacting the customer experience.

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

asked a year ago289 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

This was an issue with the carrier! You need to contact AWS support to open a case with the carrier to help you investigate the issue. In my case, the carrier updated the route to solve it.

answered a year ago
  • Hi Bahaa. So is it necessary to have the Developer/Business support plan for AWS to investigate this?

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