Connection failed to mysql database after upgrade to version 8 AWS RDS


I am experiencing an issue after the MYSQL upgrade from version 5.7 to 8 on AWS RDS. Before the upgrade, my server used to work properly but immediately after getting the database updated to version 8, it appears to be broken. The error is as follows:

Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!

I am fairly new to MYSQL and I could not find a suitable online solution to solve this issue. Ideally, I would like to know if there is a proper way to view an "in-depth" log about any exceptions causing this as it is the only error message I am getting. Or perhaps, I am looking for some guidance about what might cause this failure in the database connection, please.

I am lost at this point.

Your help will be much more appreciated!

I wish to thank you in advance for your help.

  • I am having the same issue but it happens sporadically. Out of a 100,000 connection it may happen once or twice. It more when under load. I’ve looked at the logs and don’tsee anything obvious.

    We having it happening on 2 different applications running on different OS and using 2 different database connectors so we seriously doubt it’s our code.

    It doesn’t seem to be an dns issue either as we have programmatically ever 3 seconds checked for 28 hours successfully and during that time has the sporadic unable to connect issue occur in our different applications.

    Have you found a solution on this yet?

1 Answer

If you've turned on Log Exports (under Advanced Configuration) in RDS, you might be able to find some hints in CloudWatch. You can also walk through these troubleshooting steps.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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