LightSail Free Tier upgradation


I am new to LightSail. Today I have created a LightSail instance ($5 plan - 512 MB RAM, 2 vCPUs, 20 GB SSD). Now, I need to upgrade to a $12 plan (2 GB Memory, 2 vCPUs, 60 GB SSD). What I am planning to do is to remove the $5 instance and create a $12 plan, because I have no data to migrate. My concern is will I get the Free Tier plan for 90 days (about 3 months) for the new LightSail instance ($12 plan). Thanks in advance.  Upgrade from the $5 plan to the $12

1 Answer


You will still be within the free tier after you transfer the instance as long as it has not been 90 days.

However, the 90 day counter will not restart. For example, if you created the instance 45 days ago. You will have only 45 days remaining of the free trial even after creating the new instance.

answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 9 days ago

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