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RDS instance stuck in rebooting


We have a RDS instance which is stuck in rebooting, nothing seems to help. Can someone advise on how to force reboot a RDS instance? I can't connect to it, (too many clients). It's postgres 15.

Thanks a lot

asked a year ago306 views
2 Answers

Hi Michael,

Please refer to this troubleshooting guide [1] to try and resolve the issue. Although this is for MySQL, this will help you debug the problem.
In case, the instance is stuck in rebooting for a longer period of time (a few days), contact AWS Support, as this could be a system-related issue.



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answered a year ago

I can see that the reboot completed. It looks as though your database had a very large amount of crash recovery to perform in order to complete the reboot. Also, your workload is consistently consuming 100% of the available throughput to EBS on the instance type you are using.

answered a year ago

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