aiortc version of WebRTC streaming to AWS Kinesis Video Streams


I have seen tutorials on how to use the standard WebRTC with AWS Kinesis Video Streams. I am using pi camera with a raspberry pi 4 and trying to stream live video to my AWS Kinesis Video Streams. Due to other components in my project I am using python for this project. There is a python version of WebRTC called aiortc. I am looking to use this library and stream to my console in AWS. Is this possible? And if so, how do I go about accomplishing this?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Kinesis Video Streams with WebRTC are included in following SDKs:

  1. WebRTC SDK in C for Embedded Devices
  2. WebRTC SDK in JavaScript for Web Applications
  3. WebRTC SDK for Android
  4. WebRTC SDK for iOS Above SDKs includes examples and steps to build-run those applications, in respective platforms. References: [1] [2]

Currently there are no examples or demos on using Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC with python/boto3 Please refer below "KinesisVideoSignalingChannels" of AWS SDK for Python(Boto3) to integrate with your script:

Or else you can use any of the above WebRTC SDKs, and call them from python using subprocess. Reference:

Note: I do not have in depth knowledge on Python code development and hence I am not able to provide code specific recommendations.

I hope above information helps you, to solve your issue & query. Thank you!

answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hello, sorry for the delayed response. I am not using the WebRTC SDK in C.

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