AWS Lambda vCPU/memory ratio table


When Lambda maximum memory size was 3GB, we had official information that below 1.8GB it has 1 vCPU and above 1.8GB it has 2 vCPUs. So we were able to share some multi-threading optimization tips with the customers.

Now with support of up to 10GB of RAM and up to 6 vCPUs, do we have any official information on the number of vCPUs based on the memory size?

asked 4 years ago10358 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The details can be found here.

Also more details was shared in the What's New in Serverless re:Invent session.

answered 4 years ago
  • the link to re:Invent session is broken.

  • Mentioned above details can be found here:

    What's interesting is that for the nodejs16.x internally process detects different CPU configurations, we get:

    128-3008 MB - 2 Allocated cores 3009-5307 - 3 Allocated Cores

    And rest of the numbers are as in the presentation

    I wonder whether it's a quirk of Node.js CPU cores detection, or AWS does something different for Node.js specifically

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