Latency of cross region snapshot copy.


Does anyone have any idea of the latency for the cross region snapshot operation?

I just configured a cluster for cross region copy of encrypted snapshots for the same account, encrypted using the default service master key in the source region. After that I took a manual snapshot of the reconfigured cluster. They new manual snapshot is completed and shows status "Available" in the source region, but there's no indication of anything about the snapshot in the target region over an hour after the snapshot in the source region is completed.

Shouldn't the Redshift console at least show the snapshot in status "Copying" or something similar in the target region.


asked 5 years ago636 views
4 Answers

Looks like there is some sort of issue with cross-region encrypted snapshot copy. Support is working an open case on issue.

answered 5 years ago

Turns out there was a problem in cross-region encrypted snapshot copy that caused infinite copy latency, i.e. the cross-region copy failed silently.

Redshift fixed it last night for my source region (us-east-1) and target region (us-east-2). I haven't tested other regions.

Now that the cross-region copy operation work the latency seems reasonable. I've observed about 3-4x the time it takes to create the snapshot.

answered 5 years ago

Turns out there was a problem in cross-region encrypted snapshot copy that caused infinite copy latency, i.e. the cross-region copy failed silently.

Yeah I'd say that's a problem :-)

answered 5 years ago

Depending on the Amazon Regions involved and the amount of data to be copied, a cross-Region snapshot copy can take hours to complete.

In some cases, there might be a large number of cross-Region snapshot copy requests from a given source Amazon Region. In such cases, Amazon RDS might put new cross-Region copy requests from that source Amazon Region into a queue until some in-progress copies complete. No progress information is displayed about copy requests while they are in the queue. Progress information is displayed when the copying starts.

answered 2 years ago

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