VPN Tunnel Established with Azure but cant ping in any direction


Hello Guys,

Created site-to-site connection with Azure and created 2 tunnels, both were up but not able to ping EC2 instance. My VPC id is vpc-0ace56502cd6adc42.

I have added static route in VPN connection with Azure Subnet CIDR, but not sure what i missed to configure.

I enabled cloudwatch to check about TunnelDataIn and TunnelDataOut, TunnelDataIn shows 24 bytes few times but TunnelDataOut is zero always.

Appreciated if any help or suggestion is provided, spent almost two days but no luck.


asked 5 years ago1K views
1 Answer

I have resolved the issue by enabling the ICMPv4 in the firewall (File and Printer sharing(Echo Request -ICMPv4-In) Properties in the instance of AWS instance.

answered 5 years ago

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