athena query error


Hi Team,

When iam run querry facing error, Kindly support anyone please

SELECT * not allowed from relation that has no columns This query ran against the "penguin-landing-data" database, unless qualified by the query

asked a year ago521 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Karthik,

Is this for Lakeformation, if so then make sure your user has at least the Describe and Select permissions on that database and the table. I understand error message is not self explanatory but try adding these permissions to your role/user for respective database and table and see how it goes.

Also, did you try selecting any specific column, you can try that too and see how it responds. If it gives the error then I'd first add these permissions to my user/role and then will see the behavior. Refer Managing Lake Formation and Athena user permissions for more details.

Hope it helps.

Comment here if you have additional questions, happy to help.


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