How do you clean up old Batch job definitions?


I'm using AWS Batch jobs with ECS to perform my scheduled tasks (db backup, etc.) Everything is working fine but after just short while I have a lot of old, unused job definitions in my AWS Batch console.

The situation is this; when I update the application code it creates a new container and puts it in ECR. When the new container gets put into ECR I updated the AWS Batch job definitions that rely on that container. Well, when I update the code 3-4 times a day it doesn't take long to have a pretty large backlog of old, unused job definitions sitting around in my AWS Batch console.

How do you deal with these? Is there some way to expire definitions and only keep the most current one? Is there another way to update the ECR container in the job definition that doesn't require creating a whole new job definition? Or does everyone just live with 100's of old, unused job definitions?

1 Answer


I don't think there is a way to delete it directly as of April 2024.
Therefore, I think it is better to deregister the old batch job definition and wait for it to be automatically deleted after 180 days.

Deregisters an Batch job definition. Job definitions are permanently deleted after 180 days.

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answered 6 months ago
  • That's good information. How do others handle this situation? Does everyone just let the old job definitions just pile up? Is there some automated way to deregister them?

  • In my case, I tried to deregister things that I no longer needed. Since there is no automatic deregistration function, I think the only option is to create a Lambda etc. and periodically deregister.

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