Resize EC2 Spot Instances


I would like to resize an EC2 spot instance from c5.large to c5.xlarge. Has AWS added support for this yet?

asked 3 years ago1.3K views
2 Answers

Hello, Good question

It's a tricky situation I guess

You must stop your Amazon EBS-backed instance before you can change its instance type. Ensure that you plan for downtime while your instance is stopped. Stopping the instance and changing its instance type might take a few minutes, and restarting your instance might take a variable amount of time depending on your application's startup scripts. For more information, see Stop and start your instance.

if you try to stop a Spot instance, you would get the following error

Failed to stop the instance instance id
You can't stop the Spot Instance 'instance id' because it is associated with a one-time Spot Instance request. You can only stop Spot Instances associated with persistent Spot Instance requests.

I think you are better off creating a new Spot instance with c5.xlarge


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answered 3 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 3 years ago


If your Spot instance is a ‘persistent’ type one, you can use use EC2-Spot-converter tool to automate this resizing task.


answered 2 years ago

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