Configure AWS EMR Cluster to use FIPS endpoint for AWS KMS Calls



Is it possible to configure EMR service to use the AWS KMS FIPS endpoint ( ) instead of the non-FIPS endpoint ( ) when making calls to KMS to retrieve encryption keys? As per EMR documentation [1], we can use FIPS endpoint via AWS CLI or SDK using --endpoint-url) but not sure if it can be set as a default at the cluster level. [1]


asked 2 years ago393 views
1 Answer

In Amazon EMR, KMS is used in different features.

  • Encrypting data on the EMR file system (EMRFS)
  • Encrypting data on the storage volumes of cluster nodes(EBS)
  • Encryption context As of today, none of these features support specifying your own FIPS KMS endpoint.
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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