Route53: Cannot delete resource record set via AWS Step Functions


Hello, I am using a step function (aws-sdk:route53:changeResourceRecordSets) to delete a Route53 record and sometimes I am getting the following error:

[Tried to delete resource record set [name='', type='A', set-identifier='i-xxxxxxxx'] but the rdata provided is invalid] (Service: Route53, Status Code: 400, Request ID: zzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Even though the record is there and I can verify it from the AWS console it does not work half of the time. Sometimes I can delete it immediately after creation, but sometimes I have to try again after 1-2 hours or even a day (always via the step functions).

I have no problems deleting it manually from the console.

1 Answer

Hi, @algert.

Have you checked the following articles?
This article explains that the same error message occurs when the ResourceRecord has unmatched values in the delete action.

An error occurred (InvalidChangeBatch) when calling the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation: Tried to delete resource record set [name='', type='A'] but the rdata provided is invalid.

You're performing the DELETE action for a resource record set, but the value for ResourceRecord doesn't match the value in the existing resource record set.

Check and update the ResourceRecord value in your configuration file. Then, try to delete the resource record set again.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Hello iwasa, yes I have already checked. The data is valid since when I am running the same step function again after sometime with the same input, it will work.

    My use case is not very complex. I create a record (A record) and I try to delete it with a step function. Sometimes it does not work, but re-running the step function after some time (same input) will delete the record.

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