how to get the "RuleResults" of a Glue Studio DataQuality job


How to get the "RuleResults" generated by a glue studio job that have some dataquality rules, in the dataQuality Tab of the job i can manually download the results to a file when appears the "RuleResults". i have one step function where calls that job, i would like to know the output of that file(where was generated and the key in s3, too) to evaluate in a next step(i.e lambda function) which rules were'nt passed and which ones yes. tkx

asked 2 years ago442 views
1 Answer

Glue API only returns Job Id in the response. AWS Glue Jobs are designed not to return values.

If the file from Glue is getting uploaded to s3, a separate Lambda can be triggered using S3 event itself. After evaluation, the data can be uploaded to a dynamoDB or another datastore which then can be retrieved by Lambda function configured in state machine with a wait step for s3 triggered Lambda to complete processing.

Helpful documentations:

answered 2 years ago

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