My Website on Amazon


Hello , I wondered if anyone can help me , I have a website that I would like to put on Amazon so customers are directed to my web page. Thank you in advance

asked 2 years ago419 views
2 Answers


Thank you for reaching out to us, I understand that you want guidance on deploying your website on AWS,

AWS offers several options for deploying your website on AWS, your choice will be based on your web stack. The simplest of which is Amazon Lightsail that comes pre-built with either a Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress, an eCommerce application, such as Magento, or a development stack, like LAMP. You can then attach a public IP to your instance and point your domain to the IP to make it reachable over the internet.

You can review this document for deployment options:

You can also provide me with a basic use-case and more details of your stack so that I can perhaps provide more detail on implementation.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Hi AWS team, I want to Deploy my website on AWS. But What is your server application to install a applications like Wordpress and Question2 Asnwers platforms like Cpanel. I have 2 Websites

First website hosted on WordPress - Second website hosted on Question2Answer -

Is your AWS supports both WordPress and Question2Answer and How do I can install it on your server. Please guide me. Is your employees can help me directly via customer support.

answered 8 months ago

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