Datazone - delete domain


I have tried to set up DataZone and was able to login to the portal once. Now with subsequent attempts, I get the message "You are not a registered Amazon DataZone user Please contact an admin to be added as a user".

I then tried to delete my domain to start over, and am getting "ValidationException: The following resources need to be cleaned up before deleting the current domain: 'my account number' (Type: ASSOCIATED_ACCOUNT), 'test project' (Type: PROJECT), please try again later."

How do I remove a project and delete my domain without access to the portal?

asked 2 years ago512 views
1 Answer

hi bharden,

Please try the following these steps to login:

  1. Log into your AWS account in which the Amazon DataZone domain is created
  2. Navigate to DataZone console
  3. Click on the Domain URL from the List-Domains page or from the domain-details page.
  4. This should automatically log you into your data portal.

Please let us know if this does not work.

Additionally, for deleting the domain, please try the following steps (recommended based on the error message you are receiving)

  1. Navigate to the DataZone console
  2. Click on your domain name from the list page, this should navigate you to domain details page
  3. Under "Associated Accounts", notice the account associated to your domain
  4. Select this account/s, click on Actions and select "Disassociate account"
  5. After disassociation has completed successfully, try deleting the domain once again

Thank you for your interest in DataZone.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • When I click on the domain url to login in, I get the following message " You are not a registered Amazon DataZone user Please contact an admin to be added as a user".

    When I try to disassociate my account, I get the following error message: "There was an error while disassociating 1 account. There are project(s) present in the target/associated account."

    I'm not sure how to delete projects if I am not able to log in to the data portal.

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